Sunday, January 7, 2007

what's been going on here

Well, now it can snow...NOT REALLY. We had alot of chores to get done, and finally hubby, son and I were all feeling well enough at the same time to get them all done this weekend. We got a new barn style shed and hubby and I built a loft in the back end of it, and it now holds all of the Christmas decorations, including the new tree. He put some much needed shelving along the sides and then hung all the yard tools. Shed is done. By getting the loft made, it finally cleared out the spare bedroom closet and surrounding area, so I now have a spare bedroom that is usable as such, and all my yarns and fibers are stored nice and neatly in the closet, the dressers and in stackable cubes, both in the room and in the closet...whoo hoo I have a craft room. After getting the spare bedroom straight, we got the rest of the house straightened up and put back together. Today we finished putting up shelves in the laundry room, and now it's straight. Went thru 3 boxes of misc. stuff that had been sitting in there, and threw away what wasn't needed or wanted, and now all the shed stuff is ready to be put in the shed. It sure is nice to have it finally done. We have been in this new house almost 2 years, and you all know how it is when you dont' have anywhere to put things, so you end up just stacking it and it sorta gets forgotten. It feels really nice to finally have the house almost unpacked. Along with all of this, hubby and I got all the laundry done today as well. One of the shelves has a pole along the whole length of it, so as I take clothes out of the dryer, I can just hang them up, then just take them to the closets. This will save my back so much. I sure am glad I have the hubby I do now, he thinks of these things and then makes them happen so it helps me.

Going to Cat's tomorrow and we are going to the LYS and order a couple of patterns, so I can knit up some of the great yarns I have in my stash. Really nice to have it all organized, so I can see what I do have and decide what I am gonna knit it into.

Ok, I hear a familiar sound....that would be the recliner calling me, as I haven't knitted a single stitch all day,, and that's just wrong.

Thanks for all the nice comments you all are leaving for me. This is my first ever blog and it's nice to know that some of you are really reading it. I will try to keep it updated daily or as time permits....


Sarah said...

I know just what you mean about being in a house for 2 years and not knowing where you put something - I was just conversing with my husband about that today. But, we have no excuses, we've been in this place for 5 years!

Found your blog from Cat's, and I really like it here - it's a nice place to drop in for a visit!

Come by to see mine! Cubbinsville


Sprite said...

The organization bug must be hitting with the New Year! I *thought* about taking my tree down, started pulling the Xmas decorations down from around the various spots in the apartment, ready to organize them and store them for the next year... but then.. I put it all on hold until I'm resemlbling something more of a human than a walking sauna. lol